The DWVS uses VSD technology to adapt its compressor motor speed to the air demand. As opposed to a standard refrigerant dryer, it does not go full power as soon as it is turned on. Instead, the DWVS only consumes the amount of energy required at any time. This innovative technology allows it to achieve energy savings of up to 60% while maintaining a consistently high air quality.
And, because energy costs constitute a major share of the total cost of ownership of a refrigerant dryer, the savings quickly add up. So quickly, in fact, that a DWVS refrigerant dryer will often pay for itself in as little as 18 months.
The new VSD dryer from Worthington Creyssensac not only delivers unmatched energy savings but also high-quality air. It consistently supplies Class 4 purity air – even in ambient temperatures of up to 46°C. Furthermore, its low dew point – and as a result also top-quality air – is available as soon as it is turned on because it never operates below 20%. This type of consistent performance further enhances your production quality and reliability.
This consistency is a vast improvement over thermal mass refrigerant dryers, which were introduced to make dryers more energy efficient. To achieve that goal, they run at full speed only long enough to cool a thermal mass, which then helps dry the compressed air while the dryer switches off. However, this is not an ideal solution because the thermal mass immediately starts to warm up again, the dew point increases and the air quality suffers. In fact, the compressed air supplied by a thermal mass dryer may vary by up to two purity classes, which makes a big difference with regard to your production quality and reliability.
DWVS dryers do not just help companies operate more efficiently, they also contribute to a reduction in emissions. Compared to their competitors, the improved energy efficiency of the new VSD dryers results in a much lower TEWI-score (Total Equivalent Warming Impact) and a significantly decreased carbon footprint.
As a result, the DWVS helps companies achieve more ambitious climate goals and allows them to do their part for a cleaner environment.
Amazingly, Worthington Creyssensac even managed to pack all of this technology into a small frame that takes up less space on the shop floor. It’s just one more feature that shows that you really can’t go wrong with a DWVS.